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Monday, August 22, 2005

School Days

Andrew's got a full load in his first year in high school. He didn't get life sports. Instead, he got horticulture the first semester and music appreciation the second semester. That, after three years of band, which he dropped to take life sports (bowling, tennis, archery). Life's just full of small ironies, sometimes.

He's got English (not under who he thought it would be), algebra, history, blah, blah, blah. Hopin' for good things this year.

He started off the new year by wearing desert camos, Army boots and dog tags the first day. Not combative, hopefully. I'm sure he just loves being easy to pick out of the crowd–NOT. He just wore the camos because he thinks they're cool. Wanted to wear the long-sleeve shirt with it, but finally realized it might be a little too warm for that. Probably wait until temp drops to under 89.
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