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Thursday, December 15, 2005

Great News!

Took Andrew for a checkup with his pulminologist at Children's Hospital in Little Rock Thursday. His lung capacity and all functions are normal–like they should be. No more asthma inhalers.
In fact, the doctor said he doubts Andrew ever had asthma to begin with. The symptoms came from the inhalation of that damn blowgun plastic piece.
Andrew was thrilled with the news of no asthma and no more inhalers. Thank you lord for pulling him through. It's been a long four years. He also now has normal chances of upper respiratory infections and pneumonia.
He did get a flu shot, something he wasn't upbeat about, but as always, the dreaded anticipation is always the worst part.
We stopped in Monticello, Christmas shopped, ate and saw King Kong. Peter Jackson has done it again. Amazing movie. Remember this before you see it: It runs about 3 hours and 15 minutes. Fast-paced action after Kong captures the girl. If Andrew did have asthma, he probably would have had to have a pull or two on an inhaler. Incredible action and special effects.
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