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Wednesday, January 18, 2006

The Troll

The Patron of Bridges (St. Teddy) jumped Alito's ass because he once belonged to an organization that banned the admission of women. ONCE, meaning in the past, in college.
St. Ted wrote in Washington Post recently: "Credibility" has rarely been an issue for Supreme Court nominees, but it is clearly a major issue for Alito.
Sen. Kennedy still belongs to a social club for Harvard students and alumni that was thrown off campus nearly 20 years ago after refusing to allow female members, an investigation by the Washington Times revealed. He said he will resign.
Pot, meet kettle.
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Howard Stern revealed he has had two cosmetic surgeries–a nose job and liposuction. Damn if I wouldn't sue for medical negligence.
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William Shatner sold his kidney stone on Ebay for $25,000. I've passed two kidney stones and had to pay for the damn privilege.
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